4 - 20
Install RAM Mount
Before installation begins, verify you have the applicable vehicle mounting bracket assembly components necessary, as shown
in the following figures.
Components - RAM Mounting Kits
A Thor VM1 mounting kit can be used when an external keyboard is not installed and includes the parts on this page.
A Thor VM2 mounting kit can be used when an external keyboard is installed includes the parts on this page plus the parts
on the next page.
In addition to the kits below, individual RAM mounting components are also available.
Each mounting kit contains:
CAUTION - This device is intended to transmit RF energy. For protection against RF exposure to humans and in accor-
dance with FCC rules and Industry Canada rules, this transmitter should be installed such that a minimum separation dis-
tance of at least 20 cm (7.8 in.) is maintained between the antenna and the general population. This device is not to be
co-located with other transmitters.
RAM Ball (Size D) for back of Thor VM2 Quick Mount Smart Dock with
hardware (screws and washers) to attach RAM ball to dock
RAM Arm (Size D), length varies by kit selected
One of three mounting options:
• RAM Ball mount (Size D, may include 3 cone washers), or
• RAM Clamp mount (Size D), or