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Bar Code Data Match Edit Buttons
• Prefix and Suffix data is always added on after stripping is complete, and is not affected by any stripping
• If the stripping configuration results in a 0 length bar code, a good beep will still be emitted, since bar code
data was read from the scanner.
Match List Rules
The data in the match list is processed by the rules listed below:
• Strings in the list will be searched in the order they appear in the list. If the list contains ABC and AB, in
that order, incoming data with ABC will match first, and the AB will have no effect.
• When a match between the first characters of the bar code and a string from the list is found, that string is
stripped from the bar code data.
• Processing the list terminates when a match is found or when the end of the list is reached.
• If the wildcard * is not specified, the string is assumed to strip from the beginning of the bar code data. The
string ABC* strips off the prefix
ABC. The string *XYZ will strip off the suffix XYZ. The string ABC*XYZ will
strip both prefix and suffix together. More than one * in a configuration string is not allowed. (The User
Interface will not prevent it, but results would not be as expected, as only the first * is used in parsing to
match the string.)
• The question mark wildcard ? may be used to match any single character in the incoming data. For
example, the data AB?D will match ABCD, ABcD, or AB0D, but not ABDE.
• The data collected is saved per symbology configured. The Symbology selected in the Symbologies dialog
defines the symbology for which the data is being configured.
• Note that the Code ID (if any are configured) is ignored by this dialog, regardless of the setting of Strip:
Code ID in the Symbologies dialog. According to the sequence of events (specified above), the Code ID
must not be included in the bar code data being matched, because when the matching test occurs, the Code
ID has already been stripped. If Strip Code ID is disabled, then the bar code data to match must include
the Code ID. If Strip Code ID is enabled, the data should not include the Code ID since it has already been
Add Prefix/Suffix Control
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Data Collection tab > Symbology button
Use this option to specify a string of text, hex values or hat encoded values to be added to the beginning (prefix) or the
end (suffix) of the bar code data.
Up to 19 characters can be included in the string. The string can include any character from the keyboard plus charac-
ters specified by hex equivalent or entering in hat encoding. See see Hat Encoding (page 10-13) for a list of charac-
ters with their hex and hat-encoded values.
Add Entering data into the text entry box enables the Add button. Click the Add button and the
data is added to the next empty location in the Custom ID list.
Insert Click on an empty line in the Custom ID list. The Add button changes to Insert. Enter data
into both the Name and ID Code fields and click the Insert button. The data is added to the
selected line in the Custom IDs list.
Edit Double-click on the item to edit. Its values are copied to the text boxes for editing. The Add
button changes to Replace. When Replace is clicked, the values for the current item in the
list are updated.
Clear All When no item in the Custom IDs list is selected, clicking the Clear All button clears the Custom
ID list and any text written (and not yet added or inserted) in the Name and ID Code text boxes.
Remove The Clear All button changes to a Remove button when an item in the Custom IDs list is se-
lected. Click the desired line item and then click the Remove button to delete it. Line items
are Removed one at a time. Contents of the text box fields are cleared at the same time.