1H/1C Heat Pump (no auxiliary heat)
Rc Power [1]
R [R+Rc joined by jumper]
O/B Changeover valve [5]
Y Compressor relay
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
2H/1C Heat Pump (with auxiliary heat)
L Equipment monitor [6, 7]
E Emergency heat relay [8]
Aux Auxiliary heat relay (Heat 2) [8]
Rc Power [1]
R [R+Rc joined by jumper]
O/B Changeover valve [5]
Y Compressor relay
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
2H/2C Heat Pump (no auxiliary heat)
Y2 Compressor 2 relay
Rc Power [1]
R [R+Rc joined by jumper]
O/B Changeover valve [5]
Y Compressor 1 relay
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
1H/1C System (2 transformers)
Rc Power (cooling transformer) [1, 2]
R Power (heating transformer) [1, 2]
W Heat relay
Y Compressor contactor
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3,4]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
Heat Only System With Fan
Rc Power [1]
R [R+Rc joined by jumper]
W Heat relay
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3]
Cool Only System
Rc Power [1]
R [R+Rc joined by jumper]
Y Compressor contactor
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
2H/2C System (2 transformers)
Y2 Cool relay 2
W2 Heat relay 2
Rc Power (cooling transformer) [1, 2]
R Power (heating transformer) [1, 2]
W Heat relay 1
Y Cool relay 1
G Fan relay
C 24VACcommon[3,4]
K OptionalTHP9045WiringModule
Terminal [9]
Wiring guide—heat pump systems
See [notes] below
[1] Power supply. Provide disconnect means and overload protection as required.
[2] Remove jumper for 2 transformer systems.
[3] Connectionto24VACcommonatthetransformerisrequired.
[4] Common connection must come from cooling transformer.
[5] O/B set to control as either O or B in installer setup.
[6] If Lterminalisused,24VACcommon(terminalC)must be connected.
[7] Heat pump reset (powered continuously when thermostat is set to Em. Heat; system monitor
when set to Heat, Cool, or Off).
[8] Install field jumper between Aux and E terminals if there is no emergency heat relay.
[9] See"OptionalTHP9045WiringModule"on page 14 for more details.