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Avalanche Update using File > Settings
Use these menu options to setup the Avalanche Enabler on the MX9. Change the settings and then save the changes
(reboot) before connecting to the network.
Alternatively, the Mobile Device Server can be disabled until needed (refer to the Wavelink Avalanche Mobility Center
User’s Guide for details).
Menu Options
Note: Your MX9 screen display may not be exactly as shown in the following menu options. Contact Technical
Assistance (page 16-1) for version information and upgrade availability.
Enter the IP Address or host name of the Mobile Device Server. Set the order in which serial ports or RF connections
are used to check for the presence of the Mobile Device Server.
Not available in this release. Use AppLock instead, which is resident on each Windows device.
Server Contact
Setup synchronization, scheduled Mobile Device Server contact, suspend and reboot settings.
Control when data is transferred between the device and the Mobile Device Server.
Set options for Enabler startup or shutdown and logging. Replaces Startup/Shutdown tab in some Enabler versions.
Set options for Taskbar.
Scan Config
This option allows the user to configure Enabler settings using a special bar code that is created by the Avalanche
Mobility Center console. Scan Config not currently supported.
Set up the Windows display at startup, on connect and during normal mode. The settings can be adjusted by the user.
Add, delete and update shortcuts to user-allowable applications.
Configure the Enabler to connect with Avalanche on Demand.
Enable or disable network and wireless settings. Select an adapter and switch between the Avalanche Network Profile
and manual settings.
View the current adapter signal strength and quality, IP address, MAC address, SSID, BSSID and Link speed. The user
cannot edit this information.