9 - 2
• The Order field is used to force a sequence of events; Order=0 is first, and Order=99 is last. Two items which have the same
order are installed in the same pass, but not in a predictable sequence.
• The Delay field is used to add a delay after the item is loaded, before the next is loaded. The delay is given in seconds, and
defaults to 0 if not specified. If the install fails (or the file to be installed is not found), the delay does not occur.
• The PCMCIA field is used to indicate that the file (usually a CAB file) being loaded is a radio driver, and the PCMCIA slots
must be started after this file is loaded. By default, the PCMCIA slots are off on power up, to prevent the “Unidentified PCMCIA
Slot” dialog from appearing. Once the drivers are loaded, the slot can be turned on. The value in the PCMCIA field is a
DWORD, representing the number of seconds to wait after installing the CAB file, but before activating the slot (a latency to
allow the thread loading the driver to finish installation). The default value of 0 means the slot is not powered on. The default
values for the default radio drivers (listed below) is 1, meaning one second elapses between the CAB file loading and the slot
powering up.
• Note that the auto-launch process can also launch batch files (*.BAT), executable files (*.EXE), registry setting files (*.REG),
or sound files (*.WAV). The mechanism is the same as listed above, but the appropriate OS application is called, depending
on file type.
Launch Startup Options
The Launch utility uses registry entries to enable or disable startup options. These flags are located in the registry key:
These can be configured using RegEdit. The options are as follows:
It can often be useful to disable these as necessary, to troubleshoot system startup.
The following example loads and launches RFTerm.
;; ------- RFTerm support
;; run the app after it has loaded and client device is ready
LaunchPSM 1 Execute the Persist keys
JumpStart 1 Look for and execute JumpStart scripts
LaunchStart 1 Execute any auto-install files in \System\Startup
TimeService 0 Launches the GrabTime utility as a service, so that the time and date are periodically
automatically updated.