3200 User’s Guide 6 - 23
EAN/JAN 8 Addenda Separator
When this feature is on, there is a space between the data from the barcode and
the data from the addenda. When turned off, there is no space.
Default = On.
<Default All MSI Settings>
MSI Check Character
Different types of check characters are used with MSI barcodes. You can
program the imager to read MSI barcodes with Type 10 check characters.
Default = Validate Type 10, but Don’t Transmit.
When Check Character is set to
Validate and Transmit
, the imager will only
read MSI barcodes printed with the specified type check character, and will
transmit this character at the end of the scanned data.
When Check Character is set to
Validate, but Don’t Transmit
, the unit will only
read MSI barcodes printed with the specified type check character, but will not
transmit the check character with the scanned data.
Validate Type 10 and Transmit
* Validate Type 10, but Don’t