
3200 User’s Guide 1 - 5
Note: For the imager to work properly, you must have the correct cable for your
type of terminal/computer.
3. Plug the serial connector into the serial port on your computer. Tighten the
two screws to secure the connector to the port.
4. Connect the power supply and plug into an outlet.
5. Turn the terminal/computer power back on.
Note: You will not hear a power-up beep because the 3200 linear imager is
factory defaulted to a USB connection. You must scan the RS-232
Interface barcode below to enable RS-232 ability.
All communication parameters between the imager and terminal must match for
correct data transfer through the serial port using RS-232 protocol. Scanning the
RS-232 interface barcode, programs the imager for an RS-232 interface at
38,400 baud, parity–none, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and adds a suffix of a CR LF.
Refer to page 2-6 for additional RS-232 configuration settings.
RS-232 Interface