0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 6
1 About RM500SL
1.1 Section overview
FastFacts 1.1: RM500SL Help topics
This section provides a listing of features
new in this software release
instructions for accessing the electronic User’s Guide, contact, warranty and
trademark information, and notices for the European Community.
Help is available on the following topics by pressing <Help>
2: Getting Started 12: REM Manual Control
3: General Operation 13:Sensory Loss Simulator
4: General Setup 14: Occlusion Effect Test
5: Networking 15: RECD (real-ear to coupler difference)
6: Printing and Storing Results 16: Insertion Gain
7: Hearing Instrument Tests Setup 17: Speechmap ®
8: ANSI S3.22 Hearing Aid Tests 18: Speechmap Fitting Procedures
9: Other Hearing Instrument Tests 19: Speechmap Technical Details
10: Real-Ear Measurement Setup 20: Troubleshooting
11: REM Screen Setup
In addition you will find a glossary, references and more information in the
electronic user’s guide on the Audioscan software CD.