0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 23
FastFacts 5.3: Networking setup
Check 5.2: Networking requirements and connect the RM500SL to your network.
1) Press <Setup> then highlight and <PICK> [Network]
2) In the Network poster, highlight and <PICK> [Enable networking].
3) If your network supports automatic address assignment (DHCP), highlight and
<PICK> [Obtain automatically]. Highlight and <PICK> [Test connection].
4) For manual configuration, highlight and <PICK> [Obtain manually]. Then
highlight each of the 4 boxes in each row and highlight and <PICK> the
numbers, provided by your network administrator, from the drop-down lists.
5) Highlight and <PICK> [Test connection]. The RM500SL will prompt you for an
IP address of a computer or router on your network. In a single PC-to-
RM500SL network, this is the IP address of the PC you are connecting to.