ENWW 4-35
Printing iron-on transfers
To print iron-on transfers
1 Load iron-on transfer paper in the input tray print-side down (see “Loading media in the
input tray”).
2 If your software program includes a iron-on transfer feature, follow the instructions
provided with the software program. Otherwise, follow the instructions below.
3 Open the printer driver (see “Printing a document”).
4 Click the Paper/Quality tab.
5 Select HP Iron-On Transfer from the Type is drop-down list.
6 Click the Basics tab.
7 Select Mirror Image.
8 Change any other desired print settings and click OK.
9 Print your document.
Use HP iron-on t-shirt transfer paper for great results.
When printing a mirror image, the text and pictures are horizontally reversed from what
appears on the computer screen.
Input tray capacity: Up to 20 sheets.
Iron-on transfers are available in Windows only.