
Integrations with Other Applications
Access Points for System and Management Applications
Chapter 13 649
Access Points for System and Management
This section provides information on Data Protector access points for
System and Management applications.
The Data Protector HP OpenView Integrations allow you to administer,
monitor and measure the performance of Data Protector processes using
System and Application Management applications such as:
HP OpenView Vantage Point Operations
•HP OpenView DSI
HP OpenView ManageX
As a generic interface for these applications, Data Protector provides the
following access points:
•SNMP traps
User Interfaces (Data Protector GUI and CLI, Web reporting
Data Protector log files
Windows Application Log
Depending on the application integrated with Data Protector, any or only
some of the access points can be utilized. Data Protector already provides
a set of predefined reports and actions that can be performed using the
applications. They are described in the Chapter 13, “Integrations with
Other Applications,” on page 611.
Data Protector Access Points
SNMP Traps
SNMP traps allow a System and Application Management application to
receive and process an SNMP trap message when a Data Protector event
occurs or when an SNMP trap is sent as a result of Data Protector