
Basic American Medical Products, a division of GF Health Products, Inc. www.grahamfield.com 999-0831-190A Service Manual
Zenith aps seRies
Configuration 1:
Replacing Single Battery
Cable for a “Portable”
Battery Backup Unit
Configuration 2
Replacing Mounted Battery Backup Unit (includes attached battery cable)
1. Replacing your existing battery backup
cable (Part 999-0711-001) is fairly simple.
First, if your external battery unit is hooked
up, unplug it from the foot-end battery
cable plug (#1).
2. Carefully cut all cable ties (#2).
3. Unplug the existing cable from the Control
Box (#3). Plug in the new cable and run
along same path as previous cable.
4. Use cable ties to re-secure to tie rod and
mounting brackets (#2).
1. If your APS bed came with a mounted Battery
Backup Pack (Part 999-0711-003) you must
first unplug the power cord from the wall unit,
then unplug the attached battery cable from
the Control Box. Carefully cut all cable ties
along the battery cable.
2. Using a 3/8” socket wrench, remove the two Nylon Lock Nuts
(#6 - Part 100-6725-003) that secure the Battery Mounting
Bracket (#5 - Part 999-0831-001) to the welded Main Frame
Bracket (#4). Remove the bolts (#7 - Part 100-5225-009) and
set aside.
3. Once the Bracket and Battery Pack (#9) are free, remove the
pack from the bracket by unscrewing the four Phillips Head
Screws (#8 - Part 100-5414-001). Place the new battery pack
on the bracket and reverse the process to reattach bracket
and cable.