26 The Gateway 2000 Solo Multimedia Notebook
Option Controls To Change
Time unit’s clock/time select; press Enter; type correct time; press Enter.
Date unit’s calendar/date select; press Enter; type correct date; press Enter.
Boot Drive which drive unit boots from select; press Spacebar to toggle between:
HDD-unit boots from hard drive
FDD/HDD-unit tries to boot first from floppy
drive; if unsuccessful, boots from hard drive.
Boot Display which display(s) the unit uses select; press Spacebar to toggle between:
LCD-only uses unit’s screen;disables VGA port
CRT-only uses external monitor
LCD&CRT-can use both types of screen at once.
Power Switch function of power switch select; press Spacebar to toggle between:
ON/OFF-system reboots (or shuts off completely)
when switch is pressed.
SUSPEND/RESUME-system enters suspend
mode (or resumes from suspend mode) when
switch is pressed.
After changing an option, feel free to change another option, select another menu, or
exit the Setup Menus.
To select one of the Additional Setup Menus from the right side of the Main
Setup Menu: press the appropriate arrow key(s) to move the highlighted box onto
the desired menu. When the desired menu is selected, press Enter.
Password Setup Menu
This menu allows you to enable or disable password
protection for the system as well as set or change the
password. Access this menu from the Main Setup Menu
(See page 25.)
The following chart details the process for setting the
Password Setup Menu options. (After setting an option,
the screen automatically returns to the Main Setup Menu.):