
User’s Guide 17
Cover latch:Cover latch:
Cover latch:Cover latch:
Cover latch:
Modular option bay:Modular option bay:
Modular option bay:Modular option bay:
Modular option bay:
(CD-ROM drive is
shown installed).
Modular bayModular bay
Modular bayModular bay
Modular bay
Modular Option Bay
The Gateway 2000 Solo PC features a modular option bay located directly beneath
the cover latch. This bay accepts the modular CD-ROM drive, the modular internal
floppy disk drive, or the modular bay cover when neither drive is installed. The unit
houses either drive, but only one at a time. (The bay cover is recommended for use
when neither drive is installed and total carrying weight of the unit is an issue.)
To switch between drives, remove the installed drive (or bay cover) from the unit’s
modular bay as shown below and replace it with a different drive.
*The system is upside down at this point, so the drive being installed must be turned
upside down as well.
Bay accessBay access
Bay accessBay access
Bay access
Release latchRelease latch
Release latchRelease latch
Release latch:
Step 2:Step 2:
Step 2:Step 2:
Step 2:
Slide the release latch forward
until the drive (or cover) ejects
from the unit. Remove the
drive (or cover).
Step 1:Step 1:
Step 1:Step 1:
Step 1:
Turn the unit off and flip it
over. Locate the modular bay
release access panel and flip
the panel open.
Step 3:Step 3:
Step 3:Step 3:
Step 3:
Turn the new drive (or cover) upside down*, align the grooves on
its sides with the rails in the bay, and push the drive into the
bay until the latch locks into place and the access panel can be
closed. Restart the unit.