Beeps Description Troubleshooting steps
1 The memory refresh circuitry on the
system board is faulty.
Reseat the memory or replace with
modules you know are good.
2 Parity cannot be reset. Same as 1 beep.
3 Base memory test failure. Same as 1 beep.
4 System timer is not operational. Remove all expansion cards.
If the beep code occurs even when all
expansion cards have been removed,
the system board may be at fault.
Contact Gateway Technical Support.
If the beep code does not occur when
the expansion cards have been
removed, one of the cards is causing
the problem. Install the cards one at a
time until the problem happens again.
When the beep code returns, the most
recent card you installed is at fault.
5 Processor failure detected.
Set the Retest Processor option to Yes
in the BIOS Setup utility.
Reseat the processor and start the
server again.
6 The keyboard controller may be bad.
The BIOS cannot switch to protected
Connect a keyboard that you know is
If the error occurs when a keyboard is
not attached, contact Gateway
Technical Support.
7 The processor generated an exception
Same as 5 beeps.
8 The server’s video memory is faulty.
This is not a fatal error.
The system board may be faulty. Call
Technical Support.
9 The ROM checksum value does not
match the value encoded in the BIOS.
Same as 4 beeps.
10 The shutdown register for CMOS RAM
Same as 4 beeps.
11 General BIOS ROM error. Update the BIOS. For instructions, see
“Updating the BIOS” on page 59.