
Viewing Sensor Data Records
To view the Sensor Data Records (SDR):
1 Boot your server from the System Companion CD, then select System Setup Utility from
the menu. The System Setup Utility starts.
2 In the SSU main window, under Viewers, double-click SDR Manager. SDR categories
are displayed in the left window pane.
3 In the left window pane, double-click a category. The category expands to show a list
of SDRs for that category.
4 Double-click an SDR. Information for that SDR is displayed.
Viewing Field Replaceable Unit information
To view the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) information:
1 Boot your server from the System Companion CD, then select System Setup Utility from
the menu. The System Setup Utility starts.
2 From the SSU main window, under Viewers, double-click FRU Manager. The SSU
automatically loads the current list of events from non-volatile memory.
3 In the left window pane, double-click FRU Information to expand the categories.
4 Double-click the category for Product, Chassis, or Board. The category expands to show
a list of components for that category.
5 Double-click a component. Information for that component is displayed.