22. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Problem Probable causes or
check points
Radar is properly tuned but
poor sensitivity
1) Deteriorated magnetron
2) Detuned MIC
3) Dirt on radiator face
4) Water ingress to the
waveguide or other
feeder line
5) Second trace echo
rejection is ON
1) With the radar transmitting on 48 nm
range, check magnetron current.
If current is below normal, magnetron may be
defective. Replace it.
2) Check MIC detecting current. If it is
below normal value, MIC may have
become detuned. MIC must be
3) Clean the radiator surface.
4) Remove water from the feeder line.
5) Disable the second-trace echo
rejector referring to section 2.24 How to
Suppress Second-trace Echoes.
Range changed but radar
picture not changing
1) Defective range key
2) SPU board
3) Video freeze up
1) Try to hit RANGE [+] and [-] keys several
times. If unsuccessful, replacement of keypad
may be required.
2) Replace SPU board.
3) Turn off and on radar.
Interference rejector is
inoperative (interference
rejection level not displayed)
SPU board Replace SPU board.
Echo stretch is ineffective
(neither ES1, ES2 nor ES3 is
SPU board Replace SPU board.
Range rings are not displayed 1) Adjust the brilliance of range
rings on the BRILL menu to see
if intensity increases.
2) SPU board
1) Replace associated circuit board if
2) Replace SPU board.
Poor discrimination in range Sea clutter control not
functioning properly
Improper setting of A/C SEA. If A/C SEA is
seen only at very close range, suspect inaccurate
frequency of reference oscillator.
True motion presentation not
working correctly
1) Poor contact of MODE key
(full keyboard)
2) Selection not accessed.
3) Speed entry incorrect
4) TM display inaccurate
1) Try to press MODE key a little harder.
2) Press MODE key or operate
3) Enter correct own ship speed referring to
section 2.5 How to Input Your Ship's Speed.
4) Make sure that speed and compass
inputs are accurate.
Target not tracked
Poor definition of targets in sea
Adjust A/C SEA and A/C RAIN controls
referring to section 2.8 How to Suppress Sea
Clutter and 2.9 How to Suppress Rain Clutter.
Buttons on trackball module
operated but no response
Trackball module Replace trackball module.
Power turned on but radar does
not operate at all
1) Blown fuse.
2) Mains voltage/polarity
3) Power supply board
1) Replace blown fuse.
2) Correct wiring and input voltage.
3) Replace power supply board.
Brilliance adjusted but no
SPU board Replace SPU board.