
Appendixes 9 - 7
(external 4-mm banana jack inputs)
Ranges ..... 30, 300, 3 k, 30 k, 300 k, 3 M, 30 M
Accuracy (300 to 30 M)....................... ±(0.5% +5 counts)
Accuracy (30).........................................±(2.5% +25 counts)
Full Scale Reading........................................... 3000 counts
Measurement Current...........500 µA, 500 µA, 70 µA, 7 µA,
700 nA, 70 nA, 70 nA
Open Circuit Voltage..................................................... <4V
Full Scale Voltage........... <250 mV to 3 M, <2V to 30 M
Continuity Beeper ................................ audible for readings
<5% of selected range
(external 4 mm banana jack inputs)
Open Circuit Voltage............................................................≤4V
Full Scale Voltage.................................................... 2.800V
Measurement Current.............................................. 0.5 mA
Continuity Beeper .........................audible for readings <1V
Displays up to four readings and a full size waveform of the
4 mm banana jack input.
DC Voltage
Ranges ............................................................. 300 mV, 3V
Accuracy......................................................±(0.5% +5 counts)
Full Scale Reading........................................... 3000 counts
Normal Mode Rejection ...................>50 dB at 50 or 60 Hz
Common Mode Rejection ..............>100 dB at DC, 50, 60,
or 400 Hz
AC or AC+DC True RMS Voltage
Ranges ............................................................. 300 mV, 3V
Accuracy..........................................DC, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz.
(valid from >5% of range) ±(2% +15 counts)
OL at >2250 counts in 3V range
Full Scale Reading........................................... 3000 counts
Crest Factor ....Automatic ranging on crest factor overload
Common Mode Rejection Ratio..........>60 dB, DC to 60 Hz
Additional EXTernal mV mode measurements
Frequency, RPM, Duty Cycle and Pulse Width
measurements and waveforms can also be made with
reduced accuracy.
°C / °F TEMPERATURE SCALING .................for optional
temperature probes
Scaling............................................................1 mV/degree
AMPERE SCALING ..................for optional current probes
Scaling...... 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 1 V/A (1 mV/mA)
for DC, AC rms, or AC+DC rms