
Appendixes 9 - 5
Single Shot ..............................................100 ns to 1 s/div
Dual input alternating .........................100 ns to 20 µs/div
Dual input chopped ..................................50 µs to 1 s/div
Roll ................................................................2 s to 60 s/div
Dual input chopped ....................................2 s to 60 s/div
Accuracy...................................................+(0.1% + 1 pixel)
Record Length .......256 or 512 samples (10 or 20 division)
ScopeRecord™ (Fluke 99B, 105B) .................30k samples
from 20 ms/div to 60s/div
Trigger (NORMAL mode)
Sources....................................................A, B, or EXTernal
Sensitivity: A or B...................................<0.8 div to 10 MHz
<1.5 div to 60 MHz
<4.0 div to 100 MHz
Sensitivity: EXTernal......................................+0.2V or 2.0V
(TTL level compatible)
External Input Impedance.....................1 M//25 pF direct,
10 M//15 pF with 10:1 probe
Delay Time ..................................................-20 to +640 div
N-cycle Trigger........Retriggers after 2 to 255 trigger cycles
Delay by events ............1 to 1023 events after EXT trigger
TV Trigger (on INPUT A only)
TV Trigger Modes .............. Lines, Frame, Odd/Even fields,
Line Number, 4-Field Sequence
Video Modes...........................Positive and Negative Video
TV Systems .........................................NTSC, PAL, PAL-M,
SECAM, Non-Interlaced
Scan Rates .... 14 to 21 kHz, 19 to 33 kHz (non-interlaced),
31 to 65 kHz (non-interlaced)
TV Trigger Sensitivity..........1.5 division (with a minimum of
(on INPUT A) 30 mV) to 21 divisions peak-peak
Cursor Measurements
Up to five displayed simultaneously. All voltage
measurements can be ampere measurements with optional
Current Probes.
Single cursor measurements:
V1, V2, t1 from TRIG, t2 from TRIG.
Dual cursor measurements:
Hz, Vrms, VDC (mean), Vpeak/peak, V max peak, V min
peak, rise time, phase, dV, dt, and 1/dt.
Measurement readout:
absolute, relative (zero), or % change.
Markers selectable on:
Hz, Vpeak/peak, V max peak, V min peak, rise time, and
Waveform Mathematics
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Invert, Filter, or Integrate input
Calculate instantaneous or mean (real) electrical watts with
optional Current Probes.
Magnifies waveform around the fourth division at the next
acquisition (sweep).
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