
SWP123 Presentation Switcher • Remote Control 5-5
Switching commands
These commands can initiate only a one-input-to-one-output switch.
Command Description
Execute switch
[MSxOooIii] Executes the selection of an input for the specified group.
x = 1 to switch VGA
x = 2 to switch S-video
x = 3 to switch Composite Video
x = 4 to switch Master Audio
ii = 00 - 04 for input (00 = blank)
oo = 01 for output 1
Switch current setting
[MSx?] Returns the current connection for the selected group.
x = 1 for VGA
x = 2 for S-video
x = 3 for Composite Video
x = 4 for Master Audio
Blank output
[BLANKx] Blanks a specific output.
x = 1 for VGA
x = 2 for S-video
x = 3 for Composite Video
Audio follow video
[AFVx] Causes Master Audio to automatically switch to the
selected video
x = 0: Audio Follow Video not enabled
x = 1: Audio Follow Video enabled
x = ?: To request current state
Special mode (enable decoder loop)
[SPMx] For use with decoder loop function where selected
composite video is routed to S-video channel 4.
x = 0: Special Mode not enabled
x = 1: Special Mode enabled
x = ?: To request current state
Enabling Special Mode [SPM1]
turns off Switching Mode (below).
Switching mode select
[SMDx] (Version 1.2 or later) Change switching mode.
x = 0: Separate switcher mode (VGA, S-video, and
Composite are independent)
x = 1: Single switcher mode (VGA, S-video, and
Composite are mutually exclusive.)
x = ?: To request current state
Enabling Switching Mode [SMD1]
turns off Special Mode (above).