
SWP123 Presentation Switcher • Remote Control
Remote Control, cont’d
Setup commands
Use these commands to configure the switcher. If you are using a third-party
control system, you should place these commands in the start-up section of the
Command Description
Request information
[ARC] Requests model and version information.
Reset comm port
[CPx@] Resets the communications port to the factory default (9600
baud, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control).
x = 1
Query comm port
[CPx?] Queries the communications port for current settings.
x = 1
Configure comm port
[CPxbpsfd] Configures the communications port for baud rate, parity,
stop bits, flow control, and duplex.
x = 1
b = 0 for 1200, 1 for 2400, 2 for 4800, 3 for 9600,
4 for 19200, and 5 for 38400
p = 0 for no parity
s = 0 for 1 stop bit
f = 0 to disable and 1 to enable flow control (xON
d = 0 for full duplex, 1 for half duplex
Factory reset
[DFLTx] Performs a factory reset. The partial reset returns I/O
configurations, volume levels, and serial setup to factory
levels. The full reset returns all parameters (including
presets) to factory default levels.
x = 0 for partial reset
x = 1 for for full reset
Front panel executive mode
[FPx] Enables or disables front panel executive mode and
requests current status.
x = 0 to disable the front panel (executive mode)
x = 1 to enable the front panel
x = ? to request current state
x = (blank) to toggle the current state
Serial response enable
[RESx] Enables or disables serial responses from the switcher.
x = 0 to disable
x = 1 to enable