Serial Communications, cont’d
IN1508 Scaling Presentation Switcher • Serial Communications4-10
Command/response table for special function SIS commands (cont’d)
Command ASCII Command Response Additional description
(host to switcher) (switcher to host)
EDID emulation (DVI input 8 only)
Set EDID emulation
*41# DDC
Set the EDID to emulate a specific
resolution (default: 1024 x 768 at
60 Hz).
Example: 15*2*41# DDC15*2 Set EDID emulation to 1080p at
60 Hz.
Read EDID emulation 41# DDC
DVI auto-detect (DVI input 8 only)
When DVI auto-detect is enabled, the horizontal start and vertical start adjustments are disabled. If
you need to change these settings, disable DVI auto-detect.
Disable DVI auto detect 0*76# IRD80 Disable the auto adjust feature
(allow the user to set horizontal
start and vertical start).
Enable DVI auto-detect 1*76# DVI81
Allow the IN1508 to auto adjust the
DVI settings (default).
Read DVI auto-detect 76# DVI8
0= disable, 1 = enable (default).