Operation, cont’d
IN1508 Scaling Presentation Switcher • Operation3-10
Input selection operation
Each of the eight inputs is assigned to one of two groups (see figure 3-9 on the next
• Low resolution — Inputs 1 through 4 (and input 5 if it is configured as
interlaced component video; see “Input 5 selection”, on page 3-18)
• High resolution — Inputs 6 through 8 (and input 5 if it configured as
progressive component video/HDTV; see “Input 5 selection”, on page 3-18)
Input selection acts differently, depending on whether PIP mode is on or off:
• PIP mode on — If the PIP mode is on (the PIP On LED is lit), pushing the
input button selects a new input for display in either the main window or the
PIP window. The window in which the selected input is displayed depends
on which group (high resolution or low resolution) the input is in. The
selected input replaces the previously selected input from the same group in
whichever window that input had been displayed.
In figure 3-9, when you push the Input 3 button, input 3 replaces input 1
in the PIP window.
In figure 3-9, when you push the Input 8 button, input 8 replaces input 6
in the main window.
• PIP mode off — If the PIP mode is off (the PIP On LED is off), pushing the
input button selects a new input for display in the main window.
Picture-in-picture mode operation
The two images displayed when the PIP feature is on (the PIP On LED is lit) must
come from different input groups (one high resolution and one low resolution).
• If the primary input (the image displayed in the main window) is a high-
resolution input, the secondary input (the image displayed in the PIP
window) must be a low-resolution input (figure 3-9).
• If the primary input is a low-resolution input, the secondary input must be a
high-resolution input (figure 3-9).
The PIP function toggles between the selected input in each group. In figure 3-9,
when you push the Swap button:
• Input 3 replaces input 8 in the main window.
• Input 8 replaces input 3 in the PIP window.
The PIP feature cannot toggle between two inputs in the same group.
If PIP mode is off (the PIP Mode On LED is off), the Swap function continues
to work, toggling between the most recently selected low-resolution input and
the most recently selected high-resolution input. Unlike when PIP mode is on,
however, the input that is replaced in the main window is not displayed in the
PIP window.