
CTR 8 • Remote Communication and Control 7
Symbols Used in this Guide
When programming in the field, certain characters are most conveniently represented by their
hexadecimal rather than their ASCII values. The table below shows the hexadecimal equivalent of
each ASCII character:
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
Table 1. ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
] carriage return with line feed
} carriage return (no line feed)
• — space character
E Escape key
The X/ values defined in this section are the variables used in the Command Response Table.
X) — Input 0-8
X@ — Input selection status
0 = Not Selected
1 = Selected
X# — A/V mute mode
0 = Normal operation, no muting (default)
1 = Channel 0 A/V mute (0!)
2 = Video Mute (1B) and Audio Mute (1Z)
3 = Video and Sync Mute (2B)
X$ — Mute LED mode
0 = Always on (default)
1 = Off when muted
2 = Blink when muted
X2% — Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 (default = 9600)
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, commands are not case-sensitive.
Error Messages
E01 — Invalid output channel number (too large)
E10 — Invalid command
E13 — Invalid value (too large)