gives a blue tint to the screen (part of color temperature).
this allows the user to choose among the three styles of colors
that are favorable to be projected: cool, nature, and warm.
this wiring consists of one wire that is responsible for both color
and brightness. Used widely in cameras and VCRs.
adjusts brightness differences.
Digital Versatile Disc (Digital Video Disc).
Digital Video Home System.
- Digital Video Home System.-
Federal Communications Commission.
HDMI- inputs and outputsHDMI-
High Defi nition Multimedia Interface; this is used widely with high
defi nition Set-up boxes and newer DVD players.
High Defi nition Personal Video Recorder; this device is used widely in satellite TVs
and personal video recorders.
Light Emitting Diode; a form of a light bulb.
tting that is usually used by “widescreen” videos in DVDs. It
includes “black bars” on the bottom and top parts of the screen.
a video mode that centers all available options (contrast, brightness, saturation,
a selection that allows the user to chose video characteristics: mild, vivid, and
standard (user customized).
a single directional sound.
Motion Picture Association of America
Multichannel Television Sound; used on many channels to switch between main
SAP (Secondary Audio Program).
remote control-remote control
switches among picture in picture modes and main picture mode.
remote control-remote control
makes movie programs with selected ratings unavailable/
National Association of Broadcasters
Noise Reduction; imaging noise and distortion will be reduced