Acronyms, Abbreviations, Functions, and Terms
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Functions, and Terms
high quality video processing; 540 lines 1/60 seconds and 540 lines 1/60 seconds; in-
terlace scanning (two step image processing [odd and even lines of pixels alternate]); usually used in
this option is generally used to eliminate letterbox “black spots” on the
r resolution setting that is widely used in cable television, antenna televi-
sion, video cassettes, and DVDs
high quality video processing; 240 lines 1/30 seconds and 240 lines 1/30 seconds; inter-
lace scanning (two step image processing [odd and even lines of pixels alternate]).
standardized video processing; 480 lines 1/60 seconds; progressive scanning (top to
high quality video processing; 720 lines 1/60 seconds; progressive scanning (top to bot-
tom image processing); usually used in HDTV set-top boxes
alternating current (The type of current used in a plug).
remote control-remote control
the key to switch from controlling the main picture to picture i
s on, the TV will automatically turn off after 5 id
minutes or longer on an unavailable channel.
ram Search); searches for channels tha
Analog Video (Composite); used commonly with VCRs and
this adjusts the brightness of the LCD screen. Use this opt
backlights without affecting the contrast, brightness, color, tint, and sharpness.
involves with the lower pitched sounds.
m used to describe areas without an image. This can be seen
in 4:3 videos and letterbox videos.
this appears when the channel or source is unavailable.
this adjusts the color differences.
Community Access Television (Cable TV).
remote control- remote control
is option creates text that corresponds to the dialogue
program [CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, Text 1, Text 2, Text 3, Text 4, XDS].