- 1 cup, if you want 1 coee (g. 15);
- 2 cups if you want 2 coees (g. 17).
3. Lower the spout as near as possible to the cups (g. 16).
This makes a creamier coee .
4. Press the button corresponding to the number of coees
required (1 cup or 2 cups ).
5. Preparation begins. The amount of coee selected is dis-
played together with a progress bar which gradually lls
as preparation progresses.
Please note:
• Whilethemachineismakingcoee,deliverycanbein-
terrupted at any moment by pressing one of the delivery
• Attheendofdelivery,toincreasethequantityofcoeein
the cup, just press and hold (within 3 seconds) one of the
coee buttons ( or ).
Once the coee has been made, the appliance is ready to be
used again.
Please note!
• Variousalarmmessagescouldbedisplayedwhileusing
etc.). Their meaning is explained in the section “Displayed
messages” (page 21).
• Forhottercoee,seethesection“Tipsforahottercoee”
(page 13).
• Ifthecoeeisdeliveredadropatatime,tooweakandnot
creamy enough or too cold, read the tips in the “Trouble-
shooting” section on page 22.
Making coee using pre-ground coee
• Neveraddpre-groundcoeewhenthemachineisoorit
could spread through the inside of the machine and dirty
it. This could damage the appliance.
• Neverusemorethanonelevelmeasureasitcoulddirty
the inside of the machine or block the funnel.
Please note!
If you use pre-ground coee, you can only make one cup
of coee at a time.
1. Press the aroma selection button (g. 10) until
“Pre-ground” is displayed.
2. Open the beans container lid, then open and raise the pre-
ground coee funnel lid.
3. Make sure the funnel is not blocked, then add one level
measure of pre-ground coee (g. 18).
4. Place a cup under the coee spouts.
5. Press the 1 cup button (g. 15).
6. Preparation begins. The amount of coee selected is dis-
played together with a progress bar which gradually lls
as preparation progresses.
Please note!
If “Energy saving” mode is active, you may have to wait a few
seconds before the rst coee is delivered.
Please note!
• Toavoidproducingmilkwithpoorfrothorlargebubbles,
always clean the milk container lid and hot water nozzle
as described in the section “Cleaning the milk container”
on pages 15 and 18.
Filling and attaching the milk container
1. Remove the lid by pressing the release button C4 and at
the same time lifting the lid upwards (g. 19);
2. Fillthemilkcontainerwithasucientquantityofmilk,
not exceeding the MAX level marked on the container (g.
20). Each mark on the side of the container corresponds
to about 100 ml of milk.
Please note!
• Foradensermoreevenfroth,youmustuseskimmedor
partially skimmed milk at refrigerator temperature (about
• If“Energysaving”modeisenabled,youmayhavetowait
a few seconds before the drink is delivered.
3. Make sure the milk intake tube is correctly inserted in the
bottom of the milk container lid (g. 21).
4. Replace the lid on the milk container and press down-
wards until it clicks in place.
5. Extract the hot water spout by pressing the button on the
spout (g. 22A)
6. Attach the milk container to the nozzle and push as far as
it will go (g. 23). The machine emits a beep (if the beep
function is enabled).
7. Placeasucientlylargecupunderthecoeeandfrothed
milk spouts. Adjust the length of the milk spout. To move
it nearer the cup, simply pull it downwards (g. 24).
8. Follow the instructions below for each function.
Adjusting the amount of froth
Turn the froth adjustment dial to adjust the amount of froth
on the milk delivered while making cappuccino and milk based
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