Using the System Setup Program 69
General Help
In addition to the Item Specific Help window, the Setup Utility also provides
a General Help screen. This screen can be called up from any menu by
pressing <F1>. The General Help screen lists the legend keys with their
corresponding alternates and functions. To exit the help window, press
<Enter> or <Esc>.
Console Redirection
The console redirection allows a remote user to diagnose and fix problems on
a server, which has not successfully booted the operating system (OS). The
centerpiece of the console redirection is the BIOS Console. The BIOS
Console is a Flash ROM-resident utility that redirects input and output over
a serial or modem connection.
The BIOS supports console redirection to a serial port. If serial port based
headless server support is provided by the system, the system must provide
support for redirection of all BIOS driven console I/O to the serial port. The
driver for the serial console must be capable of supporting the functionality
documented in the ANSI Terminal Definition.
The console redirection behavior shows a change of string displays that
reduce the data transfer rate in the serial port and cause the absence or an
incomplete POST screen. If you see an abnormal POST screen after you
connect to the console, it is recommended to press <Ctrl><R> to reflash
the screen.
Enabling and Configuring Console Redirection
Console redirection is configured through the System Setup program. There
are three options available to establish console redirection on the system.
• External serial port
• Internal serial connector as Serial Over LAN (SOL)