Using the System Setup Program 125
0171 Adjacent Cache
Line Prefetch
Disables system optimization for sequential memory
access. The processor fetches the cache line that
contains the data it currently requires.
0172 Adjacent Cache
Line Prefetch
Enables system optimization for sequential memory
access. The processor fetches the adjacent cache line
in the other half of the sector.
0173 Hardware
Disables the processor’s HW prefetcher..
0174 Hardware
Enables the processor’s HW prefetcher.
0178 Remote Access Enables serial console redirection.
0189 External USB
Allows you to electrically disable the external USB
connector 2.
018A External USB
Allow you to electrically enable the external USB
connector 2.
0199 Power Saving
Disables the feature that allows SATA hard-drives to
initiate link power management transitions.
019A Power Saving
Enables the feature that allows SATA hard-drives to
initiate link power management transitions.
01C4 NUMA Support Disables the NUMA support to improve processor
performance. This option is available for NUMA
systems that allow memory interleaving across all
processor nodes.
01C5 NUMA Support Enables the NUMA support to improve processor
performance. This option is available for NUMA
systems that allow memory interleaving across all
processor nodes.
01C4 Node Interleave Disables the node interleave option. This option is
available for NUMA systems that allow memory
interleaving across all processor nodes.
01C5 Node Interleave Enable the node interleave option. This option is
available for NUMA systems that allow memory
interleaving across all processor nodes.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description