About Your System 25
Time-of-day not set -
please run SETUP program
Incorrect Time or Date settings;
faulty system battery.
Check the Time and Date settings
See "Using the System Setup
Program" in your User's Guide. If the
problem persists, see "Troubleshooting
the System Battery" on page 98.
Timer chip counter 2
Faulty system board. See "Getting Help" on page 121.
Unexpected interrupt in
protected mode
Faulty or improperly installed
memory modules or faulty system
Ensure that all memory modules are
properly installed. See "General
Memory Module Installation
Guidelines" on page 76. If the
problem persists, see "Troubleshooting
System Memory" on page 100. If the
problem persists, see "Getting Help"
on page 121.
Utility partition not
<F10> key was pressed during
POST, but no utility partition exists
on the boot hard drive.
Create a utility partition on the boot
hard drive. See the CDs that came
with your system.
Warning! No microcode
update loaded for
Unsupported processor. Update the BIOS firmware using the
Dell Support website at
Write fault
Write fault on selected
Faulty diskette, diskette drive,
optical drive, hard drive.
Replace the diskette. Ensure that the
diskette drive, optical drive, and hard-
drive cables are properly connected.
See "Troubleshooting a Diskette
Drive" on page 101, "Troubleshooting
an Optical Drive" on page 102," or
"Troubleshooting a Hard Drive" on
page 104 for the appropriate drive(s)
installed in your system.
Table 1-6. System Messages (continued)
Message Causes Corrective Actions