18 About Your System
Table 1-5 lists the drive indicator patterns. Different patterns are displayed as drive events occur in the
system. For example, if a hard drive fails, the "drive failed" pattern appears. After the drive is selected for
removal, the "drive being prepared for removal" pattern appears, followed by the "drive ready for insertion or
removal" pattern. After the replacement drive is installed, the "drive being prepared for operation" pattern
appears, followed by the "drive online" pattern.
NOTE: If a RAID controller is not installed, only the "drive online" indicator pattern appears. The drive-activity
indicator also blinks when the drive is being accessed.
System Messages
System messages appear on the screen to notify you of a possible problem with the system. Table 1-6 lists
the system messages that can occur and the probable cause and corrective action for each message.
NOTE: If you receive a system message that is not listed in Table 1-6, check the documentation for the application
that is running when the message appears or the operating system's documentation for an explanation of the
message and recommended action.
Table 1-5. Hard-Drive Indicator Patterns
Condition Indicator Pattern
Identify drive The green power-on/fault indicator blinks four times
per second.
Drive being prepared for removal The green power-on/fault indicator blinks two times
per second.
Drive ready for insertion or
Both drive indicators are off.
Drive being prepared for
The green power-on/fault indicator is on.
Drive predicted failure The power-on/fault indicator slowly blinks green,
amber, and off.
Drive failed The amber power-on/fault indicator blinks four times
per second.
Drive rebuilding The green power-on/fault indicator blinks slowly.
Drive online The green power-on/fault indicator is on.
Table 1-6. System Messages
Message Causes Corrective Actions
Amount of available
memory limited to 256MB
OS Install Mode is enabled in the
System Setup program.
Disable OS Install Mode in the
System Setup program. See "Using the
System Setup Program" on page 29.