For example:
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o
cfgNicVLanPriority 7
You can also specify both the VLAN ID and the VLAN priority with a single command:
racadm setniccfg -v <VLAN id> <VLAN priority>
For example:
racadm setniccfg -v 1 7
4. To remove the CMC VLAN, disable the VLAN capabilities of the external chassis management
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o
cfgNicVLanEnable 0
You can also remove the CMC VLAN using the following command:
racadm setniccfg -v
Configuring Virtual LAN Tag Properties for CMC Using Web Interface
To configure Virtual LAN(VLAN) for CMC using the CMC Web interface:
1. Go to any of the following pages:
• In the left pane, click Chassis Overview and click Network → VLAN.
• In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Server Overview and click Network → VLAN.
The VLAN Tag Settings page is displayed. VLAN tags are chassis properties. They remain with the
chassis even when a component is removed.
2. In the CMC section, enable VLAN for CMC, set the priority and assign the ID. For more information
about the fields, see the Online Help.
3. Click Apply. The VLAN tag settings are saved.
You can also access this page from the Chassis Overview → Servers → Setup → VLAN.
Configuring Services
You can configure and enable the following services on CMC:
• CMC serial console — Enable access to CMC using the serial console.
• Web Server — Enable access to CMC web interface. Disabling the web server also disables Remote
• SSH — Enable access to CMC through firmware RACADM.
• Telnet — Enable access to CMC through firmware RACADM
• RACADM — Enable access to CMC using RACADM.
• SNMP — Enable CMC to send SNMP traps for events.
• Remote Syslog — Enable CMC to log events to a remote server. To use this feature, you must have an
Enterprise license.
CMC includes a web server that is configured to use the industry-standard SSL security protocol to
accept and transfer encrypted data from and to clients over the Internet. The web server includes a Dell
self-signed SSL Digital Certificate (Server ID), and is responsible for accepting and responding to secure
HTTP requests from clients. This service is required by the web interface and remote RACADM CLI tool
for communicating with CMC.