Frequently Asked Questions
This section lists the frequently asked questions about the following:
• Managing and Recovering a Remote System
• Active Directory
• FlexAddress and FlexAddressPlus
After performing a CMC reset (using the RACADM racreset subcommand), when a command is
entered, the following message is displayed:
racadm <subcommand> Transport: ERROR: (RC=-1)
What does this message mean?
Another command must be issued only after CMC completes the reset.
Using the RACADM subcommands sometimes displays one or more of the following errors:
• Local error messages — Problems such as syntax, typographical errors, and incorrect names. For
example, ERROR: <message>
Use the RACADM help subcommand to display correct syntax and usage information. For example, if
you have an error in clearing a chassis log, run the following sub-command.
racadm chassislog help clear
• CMC–related error messages — Problems where the CMC is unable to perform an action. The
following error message is displayed:
racadm command failed.
To view information about a chassis, type the following command:
racadm gettracelog
While using firmware RACADM, the prompt changes to a ">" and the "$" prompt is not displayed again.
If a non-matched double quotation mark (") or a non-matched single quotation (’) is used in the
command, the CLI changes to the ">" prompt and queues all commands.
To return to the $ prompt, type <Ctrl>–d:
An error message Not Found is displayed while using the $ logout and $ quit commands.