Appendices ~ Appendix E: Serial Commands
Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
This command changes or reports back the setting of the decay rate
for a given AP400.
X=1 Parameter to set the decay rate to slow
X=2 Parameter to set the decay rate to medium
X=3 Parameter to set the decay rate to fast
X=Null Parameter to return the current decay rate
Return Values
The command will return the updated decay rate for the selected
AP400 in the same format as the command.
This command changes and reports back the status of the default
CH= 1-4 Parameter to apply to the specified channel
CH= A-D,T Parameter to apply to the specified channel
CH= Null Parameter to return the current state of the
default meter
W= I Parameter to specify an input channel
W= O Parameter to specify an output channel
Return Values
The command will return the current default meter in the same
format as the command.
This command generates DTMF tones. The capability
remains active after the call is place so tones can be issued
for use with voice mail and pagers.
<STRING> is any valid combination of touch tone
characters. A comma indicates a two-second pause.
STRING has a maximum length of 15 characters. Valid
characters are 0 through 9, A through D, #, *, and “,”.
Return Values
DIAL returns the dialed string of numbers. For example,
the following command dials the number 801-975-7200. A
“9” and a pause are generated to get an outside line on a
The number to be dialed on device #20:
#20 DIAL 9,8019757200
The following is returned out the serial port:
#20 DIAL 9,8019757200