Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
Appendices ~ Appendix D: Accessories
Status outputs: DB-25 female; open collector, 40V max, 300mA each
(2) +5VDC, 300mA each 40V
Control inputs: Input activation selectable; momentary or latching ground
Appendix D: Accessories
Accessory ClearOne Part Number
AP800 910-150-001
AP10 Telephone Interface 910-150-201
Tabletop Omni Microphone 910-103-160 (with cable)
Tabletop Uni Microphone 910-103-161 (with cable)
Tabletop Omni Microphone 910-103-162 (black button)/
910-103-163 (white button)
Tabletop Uni Microphone 910-103-164 (black button)/
910-103-165 (white button)
Delta Microphone 910-103-340
Desktop Kit 860-150-002
Wall Mount Speaker 910-103-010
Appendix E: Serial Commands
The AP products accept serial commands through the AP400 serial port. The
commands are then channeled along the G-Link network to all interconnected AP
products. The commands provide the same control as the LCD menu structure, plus
some additional controls. The following commands pertain only to the AP400.
RS-232 serial port protocol is 9,600 (default), 19,200, or 38,400 baud, 8
bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
The AP400 accepts the commands outlined on page 45. The structure of serial
commands is as follows:
Device ID, command, then any additional options in the order that they appear
in the command descriptions on the following pages.