Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter8 Configuring Power over Ethernet
Note When manually configuring the consumption for powered devices, you need to account for the power
loss over the cable between the switch and the powered device.
To change the power consumption for the entire switch, perform this task:
This example shows how to set the default PoE consumption of all powered devices connected to the
switch to 5000 milliwatts:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# power inline consumption default 5000
Switch(config)# end
This example shows how to verify the PoE consumption:
Switch# show power inline consumption default
Default PD consumption : 5000 mW
To change the power consumption of a single powered device, perform this task:
Command Purpose
Step 1
Switch(config)# [no] power inline consumption
Sets the PoE consumption (in milliwatts) of all powered
devices connected to the switch. The power consumption can
range from 4000 to 15,400.
To re-enable the automatic adjustment of consumption,
either use the no keyword or specify 15,400 milliwatts.
Step 2
Switch(config)# end
Exits configuration mode.
Step 3
Switch# show power inline consumption default
Displays the administrative PoE consumption of powered
devices connected to the switch. The administrative PoE is
not the measured PoE value.
Command Purpose
Step 1
Switch(config)# interface {fastethernet |
Selects the interface to configure.
Step 2
Switch(config-if)# [no] power inline
Sets the PoE consumption (in milliwatts) of the powered
device connected to a specific interface. The power
consumption can range from 4000 to 15,400.
To re-enable the automatic adjustment of consumption,
either use the no keyword or specify 15,400 milliwatts.
Step 3
Switch(config-if)# end
Exits configuration mode.
Step 4
Switch# show power inline consumption
{fastethernet | gigabitethernet}
Displays the PoE consumption for the interface.