LED Mushroom™ User Manual 10 7/24/2009 4:35 PM
Stand-Alone Mode (Sound-Active, Auto Mode):
This mode allows a single unit to run to the beat of the music.
1) Set DIP switches position to Sound Active or Auto Mode.
Mode DIP switches
Sound Active 1-10= Off
2) The unit will react to the low frequencies of music via the internal microphone in Sound Active
3) Use the audio sensitivity knob on the back of the unit to make the unit more or less sensitive in
Sound-Active mode. Turning the knob counterclockwise decreases the sensitivity; turning the
knob clockwise increases the sensitivity.
DMX Mode
This mode allows the unit to be controlled by any universal DMX controller. If you are unfamiliar with
DMX, please read the DMX Primer.
1) Set dipswitches position to DMX mode.
Mode DIP switches
DMX 10= On
2) Use DIP switches 1-9 to set the DMX address.
DMX Channel Values
000 014
015 100
101 255
Control/Operating Mode
No function
LEDs on
001 085
086 170
171 255
Motor Rotation
Counter-clockwise motor rotation (Slow ~ Fast)
Clockwise motor rotation (Slow ~ Fast)
Motor rotation right-to-left-to-right (Slow ~ Fast)
Channel 1 will override the motor control channel (channel 2).