Chapter 8 Pocket Sheet
Relative Cell References
As its name suggests, a relative cell reference is one that references a cell in
relation to the cell where the reference is made. Note the following examples.
Absolute Cell References
An absolute cell reference is one that references a specific cell, no matter
where it is located in relation to the cell where the reference is made. A
reference is made absolute by inserting a dollar sign in front of its column
name and row number. Note the following examples.
Contents of cell A1
Contents of the column of cells from A1
through A10
Contents of the row of cells from A1 to E1
Relative Cell
Contents of cell A1. Both the column ($A) and
row ($1) references are absolute.
Contents of the column of cells from A1
through A10. All the column and row
references are absolute.
Contents of the row of cells from A1 to E1. All
the column and row references are absolute.
Absolute Cell