Chapter 15 General Reference
Moving Between Entries (Fields)
When inputting and editing data, you can move between entries (fields)
either by tapping on the entry you want with the stylus, or by tapping the
on-screen NEXT button to advance to the next sequential entry. Note that
the NEXT button may not appear on some input or editing screen.
On-screen Keyboards
This section describes the keyboards that appear when data input is required.
• To close a keyboard screen without registering the data you input with
it, tap Esc.
Text Keyboard
Key Description
Deletes the character at the current cursor location.
Shifts letter keys between upper-case and lower-case for the
input of one character only.
Shifts to the Code Keyboard.
Shift-locks letter keys between upper-case and lower-case.
Shifts to the Symbol Keyboard.
Inputs a carriage return (newline) operation.
Advances to the next entry (field).