Using the Canon
Advanced Printing
Chapter 3 Using the Canon Advanced Printing Technology 59
Windows 95/98/Me Add Printer Wizard
To install the CAPT for a network printer you can use the Windows 95/
98/Me Add Printer Wizard.
1. From the Start menu, select Settings, then Printers. The Printers
folder appears.
2. Double-click the Add Printer icon. The Add Printer Wizard dialog
box appears.
3. Select Network printer, then click Next >.
4. Enter the network path or print queue that you want to connect to, or
use Browse… to open the Browse for Printer dialog to select the
5. The Wizard displays a list of available printers. Click Have Disk….
6. The Install From Disk dialog box appears. Use Browse… to select
the directory or enter the path name that contains the printer
software, then click OK.
7. If the server is a Windows 95/98/Me computer, you can enter a name
for the printer, or accept the default name and click Next >.