158 Glossary
The relative proportion of light and dark areas. Decreasing brightness
darkens the overall image; increasing brightness lightens it.
Canon Advanced Printing Technology (CAPT)
Software that extends the power of the Windows operating system to a
printer to speed up and simplify printing. The Canon Advanced Printing
Technology provides more printing control and bi-directional
communication between the printer and a computer running a Windows
Centronics interface
An interface standard for parallel data transmission. This printer uses a
Centronics-type parallel interface with bi-directional capability. See also
Interface port and Parallel interface.
A computer that is connected to the printer over a network. A client does
not control the printer directly. It interacts with the printer through a
server. See also Server.
To print multiple copies of a multi-page document in sequential page
An instruction that tells the printer to perform a certain function.
Commands are sent from the computer to the printer via the interface
cable when the printer is ready.
The degree of difference between the lightest and darkest areas of an
image. Decreasing contrast lightens the dark areas and darkens the light
areas; increasing it darkens the dark areas and lightens the light areas.