Both EOS cameras offer Quick and Live AF modes that work in Live View mode,
including a Face Detection AF mode that optimizes exposure and focus for a selected face.
Faster AF speed and tracking is possible when using the viewfinder in either camera. The
EOS 5D Mark II’s 9 AF points are arranged in a diamond-shaped array within the
viewfinder for improved horizontal and vertical focus
coverage and tracking. Eight of the AF points are horizontal-
line sensitive with f/5.6 or brighter lenses, while the center
point is a cross type with vertical line sensitivity with f/2.8
or brighter lenses. These selectable, and visible 9 AF points
are assisted by six invisible supplemental AF Assist Points
that can combine with the center AF point to increase its
size when tracking fast moving subjects.
The autofocus engine on the EOS 50D also includes 9
cross-type AF points in a diamond array, with eight providing
horizontal and vertical sensitivity with f/5.6 or brighter
lenses, and a unique diagonal, high precision center sensor
that works with f/2.8 or brighter lenses. In addition, both the EOS 50D and EOS 5D
Mark II AF systems, like Canon’s latest 1D-series professional models, can now correct
for focus point shifts caused by different light sources, and feature an AF Microadjustment
setting to help fine tune individual Canon EF lenses.
The EOS 50D will suit the needs of advanced photographers looking for an extremely
durable and affordable camera that also features incredible image quality, fast capture, a
precision AF system, and an integrated pop-up flash system. Serious photographers and
pros looking to capture images with incredible detail, wider fields of view and extreme low
light scenes will find the extra cost of the EOS 5D Mark II well worth it. Add in the
1080p HD video recording and the EOS 5D Mark II can’t be beat at any price.
EOS 5D MarkII’s Viewfinder