
Photojournalists: The market for high-resolution video news footage and for expanded web
video coverage of news events can increase the commercial possibilities for traditional still
photographers at news or sporting events. This is especially true in situations where a photo-
journalist is already holding the EOS 5D Mark II over his head in Live View mode in order
to get a view of the action. For some newspapers, the resolution provided by a single HD video
frame might be more than adequate for printing if that scene captures the defining moment at
an event, in which case the EOS 5D Mark II captures 30 frames per second!
Fashion and runway: The crush of photographers and videographers competing for every
available inch of space at the end of a fashion runway may be a scene (and nightmare) of the
past once the EOS 5D Mark II hits Fashion Week. That’s because one camera will be able to
do both jobs well and ease the camera crowd pressure. With a hand-held, image stabilized,
wide angle to moderate telephoto zoom lens, the only thing a dedicated still shooter will have
to remember is that videos don’t record well when the camera is held in a vertical orientation.
But with the incredible resolution captured by this camera in still mode, who will know you
didn’t shoot verticals?
Underwater photographers: First, digital photography expanded the number of shots possible
during a photo dive from 36 exposures (on film) to hundreds on a memory card. Then came
the relief of using the Live View Function instead of trying to squeeze a dive mask against the
small viewfinder. Now it’s set to revolutionize the underwater photography and video world
with a camera that’s small enough to fit in a moderately priced still camera housing, yet has
the potential to capture both wide angle HD video clips and superior quality still photos.
This is the kind of camera that works well under pressure!
Nature: You’ve hiked to the remotest corners of the Alaskan wilderness to capture Grizzly
bears during the salmon run, bald eagles gathering in unprecedented numbers, or polar bears
giving birth. You only had enough room in your backpack (and energy in your body) for one
camera system during these once in a lifetime moments—and you chose the EOS 5D Mark
II. Why limit yourself to selling the incredible still photos you captured to The National
Geographic magazine when in the same building you can try to sell HD video footage for
use on the National Geographic HDTV channel?
Law enforcement: Documenting a crime scene or capturing surveillance photos can be a
challenging task, and you don’t want to miss the evidence or any aspects of a crime in
progress. In HD video recording mode, you won’t miss a thing, and you can always capture a
high-resolution still image for extreme enlargement when something catches your eye.
Now, imagine placing the EOS 5D Mark II closer to the action and controlling it from an
optional remote control or even a remote computer—and you’re realize the benefits of its
video recording prowess plus its silent still shooting mode.