peration. Also, if the self-cleaning unit is operated 5 consecutive times within 10
ec., it will not work for 10 sec. afterward. Turning the power off does not reset this.
he restriction does reset if the cleaning function is not activated for at least 60 sec-
nds. While the self-cleaning unit is disabled, if you select [Sensor cleaning: Auto] from
he menu, the [Clean now] option will be grayed out and cannot be selected.
wo kinds of dust are less likely to be moved by the accelerations of the vibrating LPF:
small and light particles and the dreaded sticky stuff. In the event that the Self Cleaning
Sensor Unit cannot remove all the dust, the Dust Delete Data (the size and position of
dust too small or too sticky to remove with the Self Cleaning Sensor Unit) is obtained and
appended to the image so that Digital Photo Professional Ver. 2.2 can erase the remain-
ing dust spots on the image automatically. The shadows created by the dust particles
adhering to low-pass filter #1 are detected by the imaging sensor. The most troubling
dust particles, mostly the
larger ones, are then sin-
gled out and their location
coordinates are obtained
as Dust Delete Data. This
data is attached to the
image. After the shutter is
released, it takes about 6
. to obtain the Dust
Delete Data.
To obtain Dust Delete Data, begin by taking a picture of a solid white, patternless object
(such as a piece of white paper) which is quite out of focus despite the use of a small
aperture. Use a 50mm or longer lens with manual focus set to infinity. The object
should be about 1 foot from the camera. Any common light source is fine. Fill the
viewfinder frame. (The image data can be obtained even without a CF card installed in
the camera.) When the screen in step 4 appears, the camera will be set automatically
as follows: shooting mode, aperture-priority AE; aperture, f/22; shutter speed, 1/2 sec.
or faster; ISO Speed, 800***; flash, off; drive mode, single.
Even if the focus mode is set to <AF>, manual focus will still take effect, and even if a CF
card is installed in the camera, the image taken for the dust deletion will not be record-
ed. If the picture was overexposed or underexposed by 2 stops or more or if the lighting
of the white paper was very uneven, the Dust Delete Data cannot be obtained properly
and a message telling you to try again will appear on the screen. The Dust Delete Data
obtained is subjoined to both the JPEG and RAW images regardless of the shooting
mode. The data is only a few kilobytes, so it will not affect the continuous shooting
speed or maximum burst. It is attached to all subsequent images until it is updated
again (via the procedure described here). It is recommended that the Dust Delete Data
be updated before a big shoot or after changing lenses in a dusty place.
Self-cleaning sensor
system operates.
1 2 3
6 5 4
Steps to obtain dust delete data