ross keys are assigned with functions to set the ISO
peed, AF mode, white balance, and metering mode. The
rocedures to set the ISO speed, AF mode, white bal-
nce, and metering mode are the same as with the Canon
OS 30D. Settings take effect from the moment they are
elected. You no longer need to press the SET button to
egister the setting.
Although the default setting for the SET button gives direct access to Picture Style,
C.Fn.01 can task the button with control of Quality (JPEG quality, RAW, or a combination
of the two), Flash exposure compensation (when using external flash, its flash exposure
compensation overrides the camera’s), Playback (switch instantly to Playback mode) or
Cross keys: AF frame selection (cross keys change AF point directly).
The name of the Info button has been changed to DISP. because it now turns the display
on and off. Its location is meant to make it easy to turn off the display to save energy.
ovements to playback
In four playback-related improvements, the Digital Rebel XTi can now display a magni-
fied or reduced view during quick review (C.Fn.10-1, magnified view on image review
and playback); automatic image rotation for images taken in vertical orientation may be
selected; a highly useful RGB histogram display is now provided, and CF card remaining
capacity has been added to the playback info screen.
As in the case of the Digital Rebel XT, the tabbed menu screens are operated with the
ross keys and SET button. Menu operation is possible even during the image writing
to the CF card after continuous shooting. Note that functions already assigned to cross
keys (ISO speed, etc.) are not included in the menus.
In all, there are 2 shooting menus, a playback menu and 2 set-up menus. The new
items are Picture Style and Dust Delete Data added to Shooting 2, Transfer order added
to Playback, LCD auto off added to Set-up 1, and Sensor cleaning: auto and Sensor
cleaning: manual added to Set-up 2. Changed items are the Histogram in Playback (RGB
added), Auto power off, Auto rotate, LCD brightness and File numbering in Set-up 1, and
2 Custom Functions added to Set-up 2. Any of the following 15 languages can be select-
ed for the LCD screen language: English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Finnish,
Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Traditional
Chinese, Korean and Russian.