Menu Settings
Menu Settings
Custom Functions
This is for setting the camera’s Custom Functions according to
your preferences. (→p.132)
Personal Functions
This is for saving up to three groups of Custom Function
settings. You can also use the dedicated software to set each
Personal Function on or off.(→p.145)
Clear all Custom Functions
This clears all the Custom Function settings to the default
settings. Only C.Fn-00 cannot be cleared. (→p.139)
Clear all Personal Functions
This clears all the Personal Function settings. You can then
use “Personal Functions (P.Fn)” to set the Personal Functions
again. (→p.146)
Firmware (→p.155)
If you select this without intending to update the firmware, the
“CF card containing firmware is required to update.” message
will appear. Press the <
> button to return to the menu. To
obtain the latest firmware update and installation instructions,
see Canon’s Web site.
Select your preferred language for the menu. It can be
displayed in English, German, French, Spanish, or Japanese.