Playback Images
Image with Shooting Information
About the Histogram
A histogram is a graph indicating the image’s brightness. The horizontal axis indicates the
brightness level, while the vertical axis indicates how many pixels exist for each brightness
level. From left to right on the horizontal axis, the brightness goes from dark to bright.
The more pixels there are toward the left, the darker the image. The more pixels there are
toward the right, the brighter the image. If
there are too many pixels on either side,
you can set exposure compensation
(→p.92) to take the picture again so that
the exposure is more accurate.
Highlight Alert
When the < > menu’s “Highlight alert” is “On” and the display format is set to single image
) or image with shooting information ( ), any areas in the image which are overexposed
will blink on the LCD monitor even when the image is displayed immediately after capture.
Refer to the histogram and apply a decreased exposure compensation amount and take the
picture again to obtain a better result.
AF Point
When the < > menu’s “Display AF points” is “On” and the display format is ( ), the AF
point used to achieve focus will be shown. (→p.129)
If the image was taken in the One-Shot AF mode, the AF point which achieved focus will be
shown. If automatic AF point selection was used, you may see multiple AF points which
achieved focus. If AI Servo AF was used, the selected AF point will be shown.
The AF point(s) which achieved focus will also be shown if the <
> menu’s “Review” is set to
“On (Info).”
Sample histogram
Dark image Normal image Bright image
Image protection
Exposure compensation
Metering mode
AF point
Sound recording
Image-recording quality
Shutter speed
Shooting mode
Flash exposure compensation
White balance
White balance bracketing
> Color temperature
ISO speed
ISO speed bracketing
Date and time
File number
∗Not displayed when the
image is displayed
immediately after
Add original decision data