AE lock enables you to lock the exposure at a different place from the
point of focus. After locking the exposure, you can recompose the shot
while maintaining the desired exposure level. This feature is useful for
backlit and spotlighted subjects.
Focus the subject.
Press the <w> button. (9)
¡Aim the viewfinder center over the
subject where you want to lock the
exposure, then press the <
A> button.
s The <w> icon will light in the
viewfinder and the exposure setting
will be locked (AE lock).
¡Each time you press the <A> button,
it locks the current exposure setting.
Recompose and take the picture.
¡The exposure level indicator will show
the AE lock exposure level and the
current exposure level in real-time.
¡If you want to maintain the AE lock
while taking more shots, hold down
the <A> button and press the shutter
button to take another shot.
AE Lock
Partial or spot metering is recommended for AE lock over a specific point.