The color matrix enables you to select the preferred color shade, color
tone, and color space (range of reproducible colors). These are
equivalent to color film characteristics.
Select [Color matrix].
¡Select the <z> tab.
¡Hold down the <X> button and
turn the <5> dial to select [Color
matrix]. Then let go of the button.
Select [Color matrix].
¡Hold down the <X> button and
turn the <5> dial to select the desired
color matrix. Then let go of the button.
Selecting the Color Matrix
Provides natural-looking color shades and tones. Effective
for bringing out the subject’s natural colors.
Provides ideal color tones for portraits. Effective for
rendering nice skin tones.
Makes the color shades look similar to high-saturation slide
film. Effective for making the colors look crisp.
Adobe RGB
This is mainly used for commercial printing and other
industrial uses.
This setting is not recommended if you do not know about
image processing and Adobe RGB, DCF 2.0 (Exif 2.21).
Since the image will look very subdued with sRGB personal
computers and printers not compatible with DCF 2.0 (Exif
2.21), post-processing of the image will be required.
L-saturat. Makes color shades lighter. Makes the colors more subdued.
CM set 1 & 2 First set the parameters with [Set up].
Set up For setting CM set 1 or 2.