Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
A key pair to use for encrypted SSL communication is required to confirm
Department IDs and passwords. Even if you set [Dept. ID Management Password
Confirmation] to 'On', Department IDs and passwords cannot be confirmed if the
key pair is corrupted or invalid. In this case, erase the key pair and follow the
procedure in "Generating a Key Pair and Server Certificate," on p. 3-28 or
"Registering a Key Pair File and Server Certificate File Installed from a Computer,"
on p. 3-31 to register a new key pair.
If there is no key pair, you cannot set <Dept. ID Management Password
Confirmation> to 'On'. You can use the preinstalled default key pair, or generate an
original key pair with the machine, to use as the default key pair. For information on
the default key pair, and instructions on how to generate an original key pair, see
"Generating a Key Pair and Server Certificate," on p. 3-28.
Confirming TCP/IP Settings (IPv4)
The following is the procedure for confirming that the network connections are
properly set.
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [IPv4 Settings] ➞ [PING